Saturday, October 16, 2010

Coconut Bliss Vegan Ice Cream!

Yes, there is such a thing as vegan ice cream, and I tried it! It's called Luna & Larry's Organic Coconut Bliss, and it tastes great!

Dark Chocolate

I happened to try the dark chocolate flavor, and could see the chocolate pieces as I was eating it! I believe I had a 1/4 of a cup but a serving is 1/2 a cup, and 14g of fat per serving. Maybe on the high side, but who can argue with an organic dessert? I mean, you are doing a service to the planet as well as doing a favor for yourself (:!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the Coconut Bliss shout out, I really appreciate it!
    I know that Coconut Bliss looks a little scary in the fat content but it is a different kind of fat from what you'll find in most ice creams. Coconut is a medium chain fatty acid which reacts very differently in the body than a long chain fatty acid found in dairy.
    We have a quick summary on our website in FAQ's 6 & 7.
    Blissful Regards,
    Kiley @ Coconut Bliss
